Sunday, July 16, 2017

State legislators from Waukesha County plot DOT takeover (and a full repeal of prevailing wage)

Or so it might seem.

Reported in Wisconsin Republicans propose sweeping changes to Department of Transportation.  (, 7/13/2017)

Press releases:
Legislative Republicans Propose DOT Reform BillProvides Massive Savings to Taxpayers.  (From the 4 listed above)
Among the 'reforms'
  • repeal of prevailing wage 
  • referendum requirements for roundabouts and local wheel tax

I agree with the bill’s authors that a full repeal of prevailing wage is an essential component of a DOT reform package.

Rep. Hutton Statement on DOT Reform Bill.
The bill includes a full repeal of prevailing wage. Prevailing wage is an artificial rate set by government that contractors are required to pay their workers, often times at inflated wage rates. These elevated costs are then passed along in the form of higher taxes to Wisconsin citizens

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