Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wisconsin Public Library System Aids: Fiscal Year Index Levels (1982-2013)

Current law under s. 43.24 (6), Wisconsin State Statutes, requires the Department to include a 13% index level of funding for public library systems in its biennial budget request.

As described in the 2013-15 Department of Public Instruction biennial budget request, public library system aid indexing means that system aids should be set at a percentage of local and county expenditures in the previous year.

History of public library system indexing (same source as above)
  • 1978.  Legislative Council study committee recommends a level of 20%. (List of study committees, 1948-1996)
  • 1981.  State legislature adopts system aid indexing at 11.25%.  (Effective year).
  • 1986.  Recommendation of the State Superintendent‘s Task Force on Library Legislation.results in legislature approving an increase to 13%.
  • 1993 Wisconsin Act 16, the biennial budget bill, eliminates the 13 percent indexing level. 
  • 1997 Wisconsin Act 150, i.e., current law, requires DPI to include a biennial budget request for library system aid equal to the 13 percent index system (with no companion provision that the legislature honor this request.).
(2013 estimated)

WLA Library Legislative Day information.

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